The website www.ayurvana.fr is the full and complete property of the company CONSEIL-ORGANISATION-DISTRIBUTION-ERGONOMIE.
SAS with a capital of 15.000 €.
409026713 R.C.S. PONTOISE - Siret : 409026713 00019
Activity code: 4638B- Wholesale trade (business-to-business) of various specialized foods
Intra-community VAT number: FR 81409026713
177 Rue de Paris 95680 MONTLIGNON
Phone: +33 (0)1 39 59 97 29
E-mail: contact@ayurvana.fr
Dress-codes - dress-codes.fr
The use of the site www.ayurvana.fr implies the full acceptance of the general conditions of sale.
In accordance with the law relating to Data Processing and Liberties n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 (modified), we inform you that this site was the subject of a declaration of automated processing of nominative or indirectly nominative information to the National Commission of Data Processing and Liberties (CNIL).
This site has been declared to the CNIL under the number 1513194.
The information collected from individuals through the forms is used for internal purposes and to better meet your expectations.
By personal data, we mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. These data are necessary for the treatment of customer data base and within the framework of the remote sale such as: Name, First Names, date of birth, postal address, fixed and/or mobile telephone number...
No personal information is collected without your knowledge.
No personal information will be given to third parties without your written consent.
No personal information is used for unintended purposes.
The personal information collected in the context of distance selling is mandatory, as this information is necessary for the processing and delivery of orders, as well as for the preparation of invoices. This information is strictly confidential, and is only kept for security purposes, to respect legal and regulatory obligations. The lack of information implies the automatic rejection of the order.
AYURVANA ensures that your data is treated securely and confidentially.
To this end, the latter has implemented the appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss, hacking, alteration, or deletion of your data.
Our data storage systems are only accessible by a limited number of authorized persons.
We make every effort to ensure that the information on this site is accurate, complete and up to date for internal use and to better serve you.
However, we decline all responsibility for any damage resulting from imprecision or inaccuracy of this information and for any infringement related to fraudulent intrusion by a third party on the site with the intention of harming the interests or image of CODE-AYURVANA, for example, by distorting the information listed on the site.
CODE-AYURVANA cannot be held liable for any damage or if a virus directly or indirectly damages or renders unusable your computer equipment because of visiting the AYURVANA website, despite the security measures implemented.
In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, modify, rectify, oppose, delete, and port personal information concerning you when it is inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, outdated, or when its collection, use, communication, or storage is prohibited.
To exercise your rights, you just have to prove your identity by contacting:
- by mail to the following address
177 Rue de Paris
- by e-mail to the following address: contact@ayurvana.fr
INFORMATION (French jurisdiction)
You have the opportunity to register free of charge on the BLOCTEL telephone opposition list (www.bloctel.gouv.fr) in order to no longer be canvassed by telephone by a professional with whom you have no current contractual relationship, in accordance with Law No. 2014-344 of March 17, 2014 on consumption.
The entirety of this site, www.ayurvana.fr, and all its contents are protected by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.
The reproduction of all or part of this website on any medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the director of the publication, in accordance with Article L.122-4 of the Code of Intellectual Property.
The non-respect of this prohibition constitutes an act of counterfeiting which can engage the civil and/or penal responsibility of its author sanctioned by the articles L 335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property.
The reproduction of the texts of this site on a paper support is authorized, particularly within the educational framework, subject to the respect of the following three conditions:
- Free broadcasting
- Respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced: no modification or alteration of any kind.
- Clear and legible citation of the source in the following form: "This document comes from the AYURVANA website: www.ayurvana.fr. Reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.
The Internet address of AYURVANA must imperatively appear in the reference. This mention will point, thanks to a hypertext link, directly to the content. For other uses, please consult us. In the same way, the technique of deep linking is forbidden, i.e., the pages of the www.ayurvana.fr site must not be nested within the pages of another site. Any trademarks mentioned on this site are registered by the companies that own them.
AYURVANA authorizes any person to create a link to its website, provided that this person respects the following terms and conditions.
A site with a link to the AYURVANA website:
- is authorized to establish a link to the content of the AYURVANA site, but not to replicate it;
- is not allowed to create a border environment or a navigation space around any content of the AYURVANA website;
- must not present misleading or false information about AYURVANA's services or products;
- must not misrepresent the relationship between AYURVANA and the link creator;
- must not imply that AYURVANA approves or sponsors the link creator or its services or products;
- shall not use AYURVANA's logos or trade dress without the prior written consent of AYURVANA;
- must not contain any content that could be construed as obscene, libelous, defamatory, pornographic or inappropriate for any age;
- must not contain any content in violation of any law;
- must agree that the link can be removed at any time upon request of AYURVANA, if AYURVANA wishes to exercise its right of reservation and withdraw its consent to the existence of the link.
The AYURVANA site offers hyperlinks to third-party websites. These sites, which are not controlled by AYURVANA, are not part of the AYURVANA site. AYURVANA has no control over their content and therefore declines all responsibility for the information presented there. AYURVANA provides these links only for the user's convenience.
The user is informed that during his visits to the site, a cookie may be installed automatically and stored temporarily in memory or on his hard disk. A cookie is an element that does not allow the user to be identified but is used to record information relating to the user's navigation on the website. Users of the site acknowledge that they have been informed of this practice and authorize AYURVANA to use it. They can deactivate this cookie by using the settings in their browser software.
We partner with Microsoft Clarity and Microsoft Advertising to analyze how you use and interact with our website through behavioral metrics, heat maps, and session replays to improve our website and provide you with a better browsing experience. and quality purchasing. Website usage data is captured using first and third party cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of our products and online activity. We use this information for site optimization and fraud/security purposes. For more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, see the Microsoft Privacy Statement.
AYURVANA keeps the data collected via the site for the time necessary for the purposes of distance selling in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to retention and prescription periods. Personal data may be archived beyond the retention period to meet a legal retention obligation or to enforce a legal claim.
We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time and will post a "last" date for changes to our Privacy Policy.
Any dispute relating to the use of the AYURVANA site (www.ayurvana.fr) is subject to French law, unless otherwise provided by law. The consumer may refer to either one of the courts with territorial jurisdiction under the Code of Civil Procedure, or to the court of the place where he or she lived at the time of the conclusion of the contract or of the occurrence of the harmful event.
Except for provisions of public order, all disputes that may arise in the context of the use of the AYURVANA site (www.ayurvana.fr) must be submitted to AYur-vana for an amicable settlement before any action is taken. It is expressly reminded that requests for amicable settlement do not suspend the deadlines for taking legal action. Thus, in the event of disputes, the Customer can, first, contact the AYur-vana Customer Service to seek an amicable solution without any impact on the deadlines of any legal action.
In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code concerning the amicable settlement of disputes, AYur-vana adheres to the Service of the Mediator of consumption FEVAD (Federation of the e-commerce and the remote sale) whose coordinates are the following: Médiateur de la consommation FEVAD - BP 20015 - 75362 PARIS CEDEX 8 -France - https://www.mediateurfevad.fr.
After prior written requests from consumers to AYur-vana, the Mediator's Service can be contacted for any consumer dispute which has not been settled. To know the modalities of referral to the Mediator, click here.
In addition, in accordance with Article 14.1 of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013, the customer is informed of the existence of the European platform for online dispute resolution: https: //europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/consumers-dispute-resolution/index_fr.htm