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Our vegetarian ayurvedic recipes for the end of summer

The change of season can present certain challenges for the body, with an increase in Pitta and Vata qualities making us more susceptible to imbalances. 

As the heat of summer fades into cool, dry autumn, we can find ourselves energetically and physically exhausted, as work, school and social activities begin to intensify. Treating the digestive fire, or agni , with simple, well-cooked, well-spiced foods will get you through this demanding period with optimal digestive power.  

To prepare for this change of pace gently and with maximum energy, we suggest you try three of our vegetarian ayurvedic recipes.  

Ayurvedic drink, full of energy for a good start to the day

Photo of an Ayurvedic drink

If you're having trouble getting back to work after your vacations, this Ayurvedic recipe is for you. By consuming this drink in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, nothing will stop you until the evening. Here are the ingredients for 2 people: 

  • 1 teaspoon Indian ginger powder  
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil 
  • 1 lemon half, squeezed
  • 2 teaspoons liquid honey 
  • 1/3 glass warm water 


This recipe is a two-step process. First, prepare the turmeric paste. Heat a tablespoon of coconut oil, the Indian ginger and the turmeric powder in a saucepan over low heat. Mix well and add a little water to obtain a soft, homogeneous paste. Leave to cool. You can store the paste in a glass jar in the fridge for up to two weeks.  

To prepare the drink, take two teaspoons of the turmeric paste, add the honey and lemon juice in a bowl. Top up with lukewarm water until you have a drink that's easy to drink. Ready to drink!

Ayurvedic recipe, delicious tofu with vegetables and turmeric 

Photo of a tofu dish with vegetables and turmeric

Here's a complete, simple and light dish, ideal for your end-of-summer lunches and dinners. For 4 people, prepare this Ayurvedic recipe with : 

  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder  
  • 400 g plain tofu  
  • 2 leeks 
  • 15 cherry tomatoes 
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil 
  • salt 

Remove excess water from the tofu, then crumble or cut into small cubes according to your preference. Thinly slice the leeks and soak in a basin of water to remove the soil, then drain in a colander. Wash the cherry tomatoes and halve. Pour some olive oil into a frying pan and fry the leeks over a low heat until golden. Add the tofu, turmeric and cumin and cook for around ten minutes, stirring regularly. After this time, add the cherry tomatoes and simmer for a few minutes, just until they are hot but still firm. Add salt to taste, and enjoy this tasty and comforting dish! 

Ayurvedic desserts, our vegetarian muffins for gourmets 

Muffin photo

Although Ayurvedic practice is not to end a meal with a sweet dish, you can make occasional exceptions to this rule, for example, at lunchtime with friends or on special occasions.  

Here's a vegetarian Ayurvedic recipe using ghee, a clarified butter that's quick and easy to prepare, and preferable to industrial desserts with a high sugar content. For 12 muffins, you'll need : 

  • 125 g wheat, kamut or spelt flour, preferably organic
  • 100 g wholemeal cornmeal
  • 1 quarter teaspoon rock salt
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda
  • 1-2 tablespoons ghee (clarified butter)
  • 1 tablespoon wholemeal sugar
  • 150 ml plant milk
  • 1 pinch black pepper   

Preheat oven to 180°C. Mix the flours, rock salt, sugar, pepper and baking soda together. Pour the plant milk and ghee into a bowl, then gradually add the dry ingredients, mixing at each stage. Pour the batter into muffin tins.  

Bake for 20 minutes. At the end of this time, check with the tip of a knife that the pastry is cooked through, so that it comes out dry. If not, leave for a further 5 minutes. Then cool your muffins on a wire rack before serving. 

Our Ayurvedic vegetarian recipes for the end of summer are a delicious and simple way to take care of yourself and enjoy yourself at the same time. Based on the principles of Ayurveda, they provide the balance needed for a smooth transition into autumn. As well as being nutritious and tasty, these dishes are also designed to boost your energy and support your digestion, which is essential during this period of change. So, let yourself be tempted by these comforting and beneficial flavors, and make this end-of-summer moment of well-being for you and your loved ones! 

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